Rethinking Retirement for Lower Real Rates of Return

Alexis Juanita

The recent research paper, “Long-run Trends in Long-maturity Real Rates 1311-2021,” from economists Kenneth S. Rogoff, Barbara Rossi and Paul Schmelzing shares a fascinating observation: Over the last seven centuries, long-term interest rates have trended down at a slow, steady, pace. The research provides economists and policy makers with new […]

18 Tips for Meeting Deadlines

Alexis Juanita

Set Goals, (+) Attitude, Checklist, Time, Setbacks, Deadline, Tools, ASAP, Strengths, Prioritize, SWOT, Prioritize, Focus, Best Time, Distractions, Rewards, League of Colleagues, Mgt, Re-Charge. Why? Whether working full time in an office or freelance at home or on your business, professionals deal with deadlines regularly. Deadlines are a necessary tool […]